Do payday loans seem attractive until it is time to pay them off? Are you inundated with seemingly appealing offers for credit from banks or retail stores? Do you have a clear understanding of your current financial situation? Are you meeting your saving goals for emergencies or retirement?
Our financial system is increasingly complex and difficult to navigate. It is now designed so that it is very easy to overextend credit and not properly save for emergencies or to build wealth for the future. Our Financial Fitness class is a guide to spending, credit, and savings–enhancing your ability to manage your finances.
Woodbine’s Financial Fitness Class
Our class provides participants with:
Greater understanding of their current financial situation
The awareness to track current credit, saving, and budgeting behaviors
Successful spending plans
Emergency savings strategies
Actually changing unwanted financial behaviors
The knowledge to avoid high-risk or predatory loans
The tools to build wealth for retirement (e.g. IRA information)
Gain Control of Your Finances and Eliminate Debt
Many Nashville-area families and individuals are preyed upon by businesses that are trying to make money and do not care about their clients’ well-being. Some community members are harmed by businesses like car dealerships or mortgage companies that run multiple credit checks or offer high-risk loans.
In some cases, this can destroy financial dreams for many years to come. Woodbine Community Organization classes provide unbiased information to eliminate debt and avoid predatory lending so participants can protect their own best interests, while meeting their financial goals.
Where to Begin
Having a good understanding of your current financial situation and tracking your current behavior is extremely important to avoiding common financial pitfalls. Our Financial Fitness class helps mid-Tennessee families gain control over their finances and assists in making informed, low-risk financial decisions that shape spending, saving, and budgeting behaviors.
The Financial Fitness class meets monthly for an hour and a half. Many participants take this class before moving onto other Woodbine Community Organization programs, such as the homebuyers club after they have the tools to eliminate debt and build wealth.
Ready to Enroll?
Here’s how:
Call our office at (615) 833-9580 to schedule an appointment
Complete our online intake form
Pay the appropriate program fee
Gather your initial requested information for the appointment:
a) 1 month worth of income (pay stubs, award letter)
b) 2 months of bank statements
c) Last year’s tax returns
d) Detailed monthly budget
e) Credit report
5. Keep your appointment
Helping You Achieve Financial Freedom
As an organization committed to community economic development, Woodbine Community Organization provides services that aren’t typically available from traditional financial institutions. Woodbine Community Organization is dedicated to community revitalization, and provides a suite of services to benefit the greater Nashville community, including financial counseling, free tax preparation, community education programs, rental housing, and homebuyer/homeowner services.
Are you meeting your financial dreams? Call us today at 615-833-9580 to enroll in our Financial Fitness course for greater financial freedom!